Ulma Handling Systems new president of the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of Euskadi

Eduardo Lasa, representing Ulma Handling System, new president of the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country.
In 2022, the turnover of the cluster’s members will exceed 11 billion euros, 14.7% of the Basque Country’s GDP.
The 20th General Assembly of the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country was held. The event brought together representatives of fifty associated entities, who endorsed the change in the leadership of its Board of Directors, in accordance with the group’s statutes. Thus, Eduardo Lasa, representing Ulma Handling Systems, takes over the presidency of the Cluster from Joaquín Acha, of Autobuses La Unión, who thus completes his term of office. Imanol Mintegui, representing Algeposa, has been appointed as the new vice-president. During the Assembly, the accounts and the activity of the previous year were approved, together with the management plan for 2023. The financial year closed with 111 members, whose turnover represents 14.7% of the Basque Country’s GDP.
The Cluster in figures
The session opened with a welcome to the new members who joined during the year: Autocares David, Bable SmartCities, Grupo Cybentia, Novaltia and Smartlog Group, bringing the Cluster’s membership to 111. 64% of the Cluster’s members are SMEs and, of these, 19% are micro-SMEs.
After the reading and approval of the accounts and activities of the previous year, the main figures achieved by the group of associated entities were highlighted. The year ended with a combined turnover of 11,468 million euros. Of this figure, 28.4% came from international markets and 3.5% was allocated to R&D&I activities, well above the targets set by all regional and international bodies.
With regard to the previous year’s activity, the dynamisation of R&D&I projects stood out. In 2022, the Cluster, together with 22 partners, worked on a total of 24 projects, 14 of them European, valued at more than 122 million euros. Through them, the participating Basque entities will receive more than 3 million euros from innovation support programmes of the European Commission, the Basque Government, the Basque provincial councils or the Ministry of Industry.
Collaboration and promotion
In the field of internationalisation, 2022 marked the post-pandemic recovery of the activity and the diversification of its actions, not only tackling direct and reverse trade missions, but also international tenders and the promotion of international pilot projects. The cooperation with Latin American agents, the Czech Republic and the collaboration with Basque Trade & Investment stand out in this area.
The Cluster’s collaborations extend to its participation in BCLM, a federation of which it is a founding member. In addition, it has renewed its accreditation as an Innovative Business Group by the Ministry of Industry. The Cluster also collaborates with the living labs of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
In terms of promotion, in 2022 the organisation of stands shared with partners at events such as ITS European Congress and Go Mobility, as well as the cluster’s own events and those in collaboration with other agents, stood out. These include the Summer Courses at the University of the Basque Country and the Logistics & Automotion Fair, the launch of which was announced during the Euskadi Logistics Day.
With regard to 2023, the Cluster maintains the activity of its five strategic axes: dynamisation of innovation, the sector, internationalisation, talent development and promotion. In addition, it incorporates two new actions: the development of the technological agenda of the sector; and the alignment of the Cluster with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Renewal of positions on the Board of Directors
The Assembly ended with the transfer of portfolios on the Board of Directors. After the established three-year term of office, Joaquín Acha, representing Autobuses La Unión, cedes his position as Chairman to Eduardo Lasa, representing Ulma Handling Systems, who has been Vice-Chairman since 2020. In replacement of the latter, Imanol Mintegui, who until now has been a member, is appointed as the new vice-chairman, on behalf of Algeposa. Joaquín Acha remains on the Board of Directors as a member.
The Board of Directors is made up of the following positions and members: