Vodafone Businesses launches the first edition of awards aimed at SMEs

Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, News

The 1st edition of the Vodafone Business awards is born in collaboration with Economía Digital. A recognition of the talent and capacity for transformation of small and medium-sized Spanish companies.

There will be three categories in this first edition, Award for transformation, innovation and positive impact and all SMEs with between 5 and 150 employees will be able to submit their candidatures.

SMEs deserve the highest recognition. For this reason, they are launching the First Edition of the Vodafone Business SME Awards at another level, aimed at rewarding small and medium-sized enterprises that have shown to be at another level for their ability to transform, their innovative spirit or their positive impact on our society.

Vodafone Business encourages SMEs to register and get the boost they need to take the leap, thanks to the great diffusion that we will give them:

A video recorded in order to give greater visibility in VODAFONE and Digital Economy media and supports.

An interview in the media “Economía digital” and participation in the podcast of the same media.

Exposure on VODAFONE and Economía Digital social networks.

Don’t miss the opportunity to take your customers to the next level.

Register and participate


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