Weroi Academy is born, the training solution for sales and marketing professionals in the industrial sector


The lack of professionals specialised in digital-commercial marketing in industrial and B2B environments slows down the digital transformation of national companies.

Spanish companies are at the European tail in terms of sales and turnover through the digital channel. This is partly due to the shortage of profiles with digital specialisation in the commercial and marketing areas. The lack of professionals means that many companies miss out on valuable business opportunities, losing competitiveness.

At Weroi they have been helping industrial and B2B companies to develop their commercial processes through the Internet for more than 14 years, and they know first-hand the problems derived from the lack of digital culture in these departments. To offer a solution to these needs, they have launched Weroi Academy, a service for companies, professionals and institutions with the aim of training sales and marketing teams in the digital area.

“According to Gartner forecasts, by 2025, 80% of B2B business interactions will be initiated through the digital channel. This cultural shift is also happening in the industry, which needs to catch up with the digitisation of its business processes. Even historically more traditional environments (such as machine tools) cannot turn their backs on this change. Their survival in the medium term may depend on it”, says Maitane Hernández, CEO of the company.

The CEOE also points to the lack of digital profiles as a threat to SMEs. In the words of Antonio Garamendi: “in Spain there is a lack of workers and it is difficult to talk about digitalisation and sustainability if we do not have people prepared to achieve the future we want”,

To address these problems, Weroi Academy offers various practical training courses on digital-commercial marketing for industry. These are in-house trainings or tailor-made for the company, depending on its needs and its degree of digital maturity or that of its teams.

The official presentation took place this Tuesday, 21 February, in the Auditorium of the Zamudio-Derio Campus of the Euskadi Technology Parks. During the session, Maitane Hernández, CEO of the company, took part to present the project, as well as representatives from the business and university spheres to talk about the needs detected in their respective areas and how to address them through training.


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